Making money from < 0.2% of your users?

The reality is, getting game player to pay for your game is getting very difficult. Recent studies show, only 0.2% of your users will generate most of your In-App purchases leaving you with cashless 99% of the time.

Applixir is a video ad platform that helps you monetize the 99%!. Game developers use AppLixir to make money using Preroll or Reward Video Ads.

If you – a game developer or app creator – want the best video advertising platform and mobile app monetization, here is why AppLixir is important to you-

Easy Implementation – 

For a lot of game developers, 60 minutes is too short a time to really accomplish anything. But when it comes to AppLixir, these 60 minutes are enough to get your mobile game monetization rolling.

We’ll provide an integration document that you can follow as you go from step to step. The documentation is very straightforward, teaching you how to insert the js code, how to invoke the media player, and basically how to do everything that needs to be done. And yes, all this only takes 1 hour or less.

Worldwide Coverage –

Video ad fill rates, AppLixir with ~ 75% at $3 CMP worldwide is one of the highest in the industry. We are connected with over 200 Video Ad Buyers. And we do optimization processes to ensure best results on eCPM. If the video advertising platform is not served, we have the option to use either a 300×250 banner ad or our in-house game ad.

Facebook apps makes it even better. This means that you won’t even have to use different tools for every platform you want to utilize – all you need is a single tool for everything.

Seamless Game Integration

It’s understandable that a lot of game developers worry about the effect video ads may have on their games and apps. After all, a lot of app users cringe at the thought of ads ruining their experience.

AppLixir video ads are not distracting nor irritating for users. Because game integration is so seamless, you, as the game developer, can easily tweak when and how the ads show up. These video ads can be shows while the game is loading or in between levels. It’s up to you!

So what does AppLixir’s Easy Integration + Worldwide Coverage + Seamless integration mean to you? You can now monetize the 99.81% of your user base awesomely!

Check what the Average Revenue Per User (ARPU) for your game can be at

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