How to Increase the Lifetime Value of a Player
AppLixir, a combination of App and Elixir, is a Reward Video Ad Platform. Elixir – the process of changing iron to gold / elongating the...
Incentivized Cross-Game Promotion Techniques
Every mobile user out there is constantly searching for ways to add convenience and value to their life. When app stores are littered with millions...
The Top Five Game Makers with the Highest Ad Sales
Have you ever wondered which game developers out there are creating games that make massive money from ad sales? Especially with the introduction of Reward...
Making Reward Video Ads Work Towards IAP
As someone who constantly interacts with mobile / web gaming app developers, I have witnessed the constant struggle to ensure monetization strategy is offering you...
Monetizing the Gold-Digger Way
Every once in a while, I see game developers using AppLixir Reward Video Ads in a unique way. Some game developers choose to institute a...
What, Candy Crush, & Gold Digger Have in Common
You might think Candy Crush would have nothing in common with Gold Digger and that neither of the two have much in common with,...
Things Content Providers Can Learn from Game Developers
Important Things Content Providers Can Learn from Game Developers You might wonder exactly what a content provider has in common with a game developer. Sure,...
Three Must-Watch Trends in Gaming
Games are currently in a really exciting time, no matter what genre you look at. Players are super engaged with games that range from indie...
Content Rules, Monetization Follows
As a video game developer, you might be questioning the title of this article. Monetization seems to be everything in our modern world. We aren’t...
Eastern Europe and the Game Industry
When you think about inviting locations, Eastern Europe may not turn up on the radar. This used to also be true for technological competitiveness, but...
Reward Video Ad for Web and Mobile Web
It’s a mobile first world and everything, including Reward Video Ads, seem to cater to mobile app developers only. But several game developers and content...
The Complete List of Reward Video Ad Providers
The Complete List of Reward Video Ad Providers The concept of rewarded video has been around for a few years now, but there are still...