Client-Side vs. Server-Side Header Bidding Explained

Oftentimes, we come across terminologies that end up becoming standards but not understood well. In my blog – “Client-Side vs. Server-Side Header Bidding Explained”, I will try to explain what these terms mean and explain in a way that anyone can understand. So here you go >>

To explain “Client-Side vs. Server-Side Header Bidding” in simpler terms, let’s first understand what header bidding is. Imagine you’re selling a valuable painting. Instead of taking the first offer, you ask several buyers to bid simultaneously, ensuring you get the best price. In the digital world, this is what happens when a website loads and advertisers bid for ad space.

Client-Side Header Bidding: Here, your computer (the client) does all the heavy lifting. When you visit a website, your browser runs the auction, inviting bids from various advertisers. This method is like hosting an auction in your own house – your resources are used, and you have more control and transparency. You can see who’s bidding and how much. However, this can slow down your computer (like having too many people in your house).

Pros and Cons of Client-Side Bidding: Imagine you’re selling products online directly from your home. You have complete control over the sales process, know your customers well, and can tailor your approach. However, managing everything can be overwhelming and slow down other home activities. This is like client-side bidding, where everything happens in your browser, offering control but potentially slowing things down.

Server-Side Header Bidding: In this case, the auction is held on a remote server, not your computer. It’s like moving the auction to a separate venue. These speeds up your browsing experience (like having a free and quiet house). However, the trade-off is less transparency and control. You don’t see all the details of who’s bidding and how.

Pros and Cons of Server-Side Bidding: Now, consider outsourcing your sales to a dedicated store. They handle all customer interactions and sales processes. Your home is free from the chaos of direct selling, but you have less insight into who your customers are and how sales are made. This is similar to server-side bidding, where a remote server handles the auction, freeing up your browser but with less transparency.

client-side bidding offers more control and transparency but can slow down your website experience. Server-side bidding speeds things up but at the cost of less direct oversight. Publishers often use a mix of both, choosing the best approach based on their needs and the specific situation.

AppLixir Server Side Header Bidding: AppLixir employs server-side header bidding to optimize Cost Per Mille (CPM) on Rewarded Video Ads. Our method centralizes the ad auction process on a dedicated server, rather than executing it on the client’s device or web browser. By doing so, AppLixir ensures a more efficient and streamlined bidding process. This approach significantly reduces the load on the client’s end, leading to faster webpage loading times and an improved user experience. Faster page loads are crucial, as they help maintain user engagement, reducing the likelihood of visitors leaving the site due to slow performance. Moreover, server-side bidding enables AppLixir to manage a larger number of Supply Side Platforms (SSPs) without negatively impacting the website’s performance. This expansion of SSPs increases bid density, thereby potentially raising the CPM rates for their clients’ ad inventory.

Rewarded Video Ad with AppLixir 4