Ads where everybody wins.
Monetize your web app without losing users.
How reward video ads work
Users are offered to watch a video ad in exchange for a desired value. Users are rewarded and so are you.
Valuable and popular action in web app
Value offered in return for watching video ad
User is rewarded with desired next step
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Users get value. You get revenue.
Not all users are willing to pay for your web app. Reward video ads allows users to “pay” by watching a short ad at a point in their journey where they see tangible value from your app.
Premium ads. Premium CPMs.
Our inventory is almost entirely premium ads that do not promote other apps or require users to take action. You get to serve premium ads with higher CPMs.
Revenue dashboard. Timely payouts.
AppLixir allows you to start tracking revenue from your app immediately and generate custom reports. We provide timely payouts 30 days after the last day of the month.
Video reward ad example.
See how users experience reward video ads in this compilation video from other web apps.
See how much you can
expect to make.