Rewarded Video Ads for WordPress Sites

The mobile app industry is expecting to be worth more than $407 billion by the year 2026. Thanks to the ever-growing need to funnel in more users and advertisement funds, there are plenty of creative strategies you, as a developer and a publisher, can implement. Mobile marketers are constantly squabbling to find ways for effectively optimizing and broadening their monetization approach to compete in a market. Hence, app marketers must stay on top of the most popular monetization methods.

In the marketing space, rewarded video ads have emerged as the next big thing, incentivizing user interactions like watching short videos. Unlike other advertisement formats, rewarded ads are voluntarily opted-in, cannot be skipped ahead, and compensate users directly through in-app bonuses such as extra lives, in-game currency, aesthetic changes, or locked content. It is no secret that video ads work for mobile users, with rewarded video ads taking the lead by being most effective and generating a whopping 33% of all mobile gaming revenue.

Rewarded Video Ads – More Than Gaming 

It is no secret that mobile gaming is among the verticals associated with video rewarded ads. A logical fit, video ads work for mobile gamers since they are always compelled by the advent of free in-game currency, unlockable items, and power-ups. However, Rewarded video ads are prevalent in other app categories too, with a 2019 eMarketer report observing that users experience and interact with rewarded video ads across nearly all genres: mobile gaming (65%), music apps (31%), social media (30%), retail apps (22%), video apps (20%), and even news apps (14%).

The fact that rewarded video ads strategy can penetrate the market of lifestyle apps gives it some leg to stand on when you consider implementing it into WordPress websites. While the number of internet users is steadily moving towards mobile, websites are evolving too, with most of them featuring a responsive, mobile-friendly design. Google is yet to extend the power of rewarded video ads to websites, and there are service providers such as AppLixir that are taking the latest trends in web advertisement to the next level.

Core Benefits of Monetizing WordPress Website with Rewarded Video Ads

Although the app market has primarily occupied the rewarded ads video medium of marketing, it can certainly be a useful technique to garner revenue from websites. The fact that more than 75 million websites use WordPress to manage the content makes it the most acceptable contender to try out rewarded video ads, and here’s just a handful of benefits it can offer:

Increased User Retention – Not just mobile app developers, but website owners also face the harsh reality of low user retention rates. While eCommerce and retail websites tend to fare better, for most websites, a retention rate of less than 20% is the standard, but it doesn’t have to be. If you are providing premium content or web-based service that can be put behind an ad-wall, rewarded video ads with the right kind of video content will generate more revenue and keep the users engaged for longer and keep them coming back for more.

Freedom to Choose – For years now, the only way to monetize a WordPress website has been through Google AdSense and other advertising platforms, with little to no control over the form of ads and the type of content is displayed. Rewarded video ads give users the freedom to opt for the playback, rather than to force it down their throats, which adds to the overall experience.

Targeted Advertising – The math is simple when it comes to video marketing, since a survey by Wzyowl shows around 86% of all businesses using video content as a tool for online marketing. When it comes to rewarded video ads on websites, the publisher can direct the content towards their target demographic and make sure it is in line with the spirit of the campaign.

AppLixir Plugin Monetizes WordPress Websites

Although rewarded video ads have made their way to the mobile gaming industry significantly, their impact on the World Wide Web is relatively limited. AppLixir is poised to bring its tried and tested opt-in video marketing model to WordPress, which makes up a sizable chunk of all websites out there. Built as a classic plugin that can be integrated in minutes, AppLixir offers you a way to streamline the user experience and increase the incoming ad revenue.

By offering premium content on the website or asking your readers to watch a quick advertisement before accessing the noteworthy post, the possibilities of monetizing your WordPress website is limitless.